Topic Wise Words

Topic Language:: PAGE #2

:: Strange is masterful in her ability to capture and juxtapose the audible qualities of language alongside the literary tools of assonance and alliteration :: Unlike stories written for newspapers and magazines articles on the Web stick around much longer:: Yet we often fail to articulate this doctrine clearly even to ourselves:: At the same time the pattern of variation in low frequency words suggests that a contactinduced change is underway where bilabials are favored when the English cognate of a Spanish word has a bilabial:: The original title of Proteus now changed because Miramax is doing a submarine story with the same title involves the naming of the Protea flower in 1735 when it was given its correct Latin binomial :: Johnson gave little attention to collocation idiom and grammatical information although he provided a brief grammar at the front:: The illustrations were augmented and the entry and definition coverage expanded to include Americanisms slang and colloquialisms :: I have been finding too many contradictory sources on the use of colons versus semicolons and now can remember neither quite right:: He aptly describes the physical objects we seem to ourselves and take ourselves to perceive as visuotactual continuants :: A point on the block serves as guide for the repeat impression so that the design is continuous :: There are five declensional types in Latin that are recognized by their terminations in genitive singular:: For example there is no attempt to distinguish between the pure O of Italian and the diphthongal O of British English or between the various R sounds of English French Spanish and German:: it is very rare for an ellipsis to occur without a linguistic antecedent:: Jade nodded with a contemplative expression and led him down to the lower floors:: :: He also advises that one should use the active instead of the passive voice and gerunds instead of noun constructions:: In such services both the minister and the congregation routinely use voice rhythm and vocal inflection to convey meaning:: :: I have no desire to drive those two oxymorons classic rock and young country from the air:: Sinclair has painted some 80 large works in oil on board each of which say either I love Real Life or use the real life title prefixed by the name of the appropriate colour in which Sinclair has covered the ground:: Its quite different from English too in that it puts the verb at the end of the sentence and uses postpositions instead of prepositions :: to present theories as facts:: In the second phase it will be necessary to be practical as well as rhetorical to persuade as well as instruct:: We may label this prosodic feature syllabicity with in our reconstructions:: Chronic cough can cause exhaustion and irritability headaches difficulty sleeping urinary incontinence syncopal episodes sore throat self consciousness and fear of underlying serious illness:: It appears to be the case that no language has its word order or anything about its syntax determined by facts of pronunciation:: I just keep staring at the rose the petals the long yellow stamens stem the fat red thorns wanting to say so much:: In Chinese pronunciation basic vowels can form vowel combinations with each other or with a nasal consonant:: John you have my word well talk about those other officers and what theyre struggling with right now
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